Art Matters

"My happy place"

"My happy place"

Jane Bridger is in her pottery studio every day, moulding the clay on her wheel, fresh coffee brewing and radio on. Happy!

Read more of her story.


“Painting is just something I have to do”

“Painting is just something I have to do”

“I make art because I couldn’t not be making art,” says painter Katie Whitbread.


Read more about Katie's painting journey

A fusion of inspiration and effort

A fusion of inspiration and effort

Paul Chave’s glass birds and sculptures are easy to like – as the many visitors to the Artspring Gallery who have bought them will agree.

Read about his process

Finding my way back

Finding my way back

In the late 80s Antonia had a eureka moment!


Read all about her journey into printmaking.

A new jewel

A new jewel

It takes courage to recognise that something isn’t right in your life, and to risk following a radical new path. Jeweller Camilla West took that leap.

Read about Camilla's change of direction.

Making magical glass

Making magical glass

It’s the bright clear colour of glass that first got Hilary Shields hooked nearly twenty years ago.

Read more about her process.

“I just love the whole process”

“I just love the whole process”

Claire Longley’s work as a printer begins quite simply, but then it gets rather complicated!  

Read all about her printing process.

Gill’s textile voyage of discovery

Gill’s textile voyage of discovery

“I’m always looking for that new experience, that fresh opportunity to learn, and I’m hoping that will never stop.”

Read about Gill Smith’s lifelong passion for textiles, pushing the boundaries – and her close encounter with a puffin! 

Books that artists love

Books that artists love

This week I decided to ask artists to tell me about books that have helped them in their creative practice. The answers were as varied as their art. A surprising number of novels were on the list. Words stirring visual images and acting as a springboard for creativity.
The artist sketchbook - how does it work?

The artist sketchbook - how does it work?

One of the things that I enjoy most when visiting exhibitions is the opportunity to see the notebooks and sketchbooks of the artist in question. Sketchbooks and diaries offer a inique insight into the artist's ways of working and thinking. Reading the notebooks is bit like reading the mind of the artist during the act of creating a new work or series of works.