Art Matters

Why art and artists are so important right now

Why art and artists are so important right now

These grey January days are making it hard to keep a positive attitude during this current lockdown. We can walk, and all the evidence points to being outside as good for mood, but we can do very little else. Which is why art and artists are so important right now.

A great team – The ArtSpring Gallery

A great team – The ArtSpring Gallery

There is nothing quite as magical as working with a good team of people. In team sport a good team is what succeeds – the ball moves quickly, nobody is trying to play the whole game on their own, or sitting on the side lines watching.
Everything you ever wanted to know about printmaking.... but didn't dare ask - part 1

Everything you ever wanted to know about printmaking.... but didn't dare ask - part 1

Lithographs, intaglio prints, woodcuts, monoprints... so many words and so many processes. I have been doing some research and I will try to share with you some of the secrets that I have uncovered while trying to understand the different ways in which prints can be made.